Well..I had the most HILLARIOUS Day today!
I swear sometimes i actually thought i was drunk! (Never drink..Bout ounce..Hell all teenagers have) Or tighred! But dude, i wish i had my camera! I would have recorded all of it!
Well, the play for cinderella was going to start in my school.
my best buddy Nate whom i call Squishy. Is playing this neat singing role, and i really wish i had the money and attention span to watch it.
Well..I suck with cellphones sadly, and yet again, my new cellphone is DEMONISHED! Ounce i finally figured out how to use it too!
Ah well..So i decided to "steal" One of moms notebooks and pass it around to "Almost all" of my best friends.
OH SHIT!...I just remembered! I promiced i would call Momo back!
....*Looks around*
Ahh well..Hope she dosent kill me.
Oh yesh! Then..Luigi stole it..and LITERALLY...Made everyone write thier name and numbers in the book...I get it back, look at it..About...10 of the pages are full..cause he broke my pencil, so he used marker OF WICH! Everyone used to make GIAGANTIC NUMBERS! wow.
Well..My soshial studies class was fine..slept through that boredom ( Am such an awesome student i swear :D )
My teacher woke me up and made me read off this thing, from an soldier who had "Passed on" yeah..Let me get a Quote of it.
"May 26, 2007
Current mood: contemplative
Category: News and Politics
"What the hell happened?" any intelligent American might ask themselves throughout their day. While the ignorant, dragging themselves to thier closed off cubicle, contemplate the simple things in life such as "fast food tonight?" or "I wonder what motivated Brittany Spears to shave her unsightly, mishaped domepiece?" To the simpleton, this news might appear "devastating." A normal reply from this person consumed by pop culture consisting of "well, my problems seem trivial to the stars who's reputation as a has-been, no-talent is clearly at stake." Please.....if only life were that simple. I assume not everyone thinks this way, but from my little corner of the earth, Iraq, a spot in the world a majority of Americans could'nt point out on the map, it certainly appears so. This little piece of truly, heart-breaking news captured headlines and apparently American imaginations as FOX news did a two hour, truly enlightening piece of breaking news history. American veiwers watched intently, and impatiently as the pretty colors flashed and the media exposed the inner workings of Brittany's obviously, deep character.
I was amazed, truly dumbfounded wondering how we as Americans have sank so low. To all Americans I have but one phrase that helps me throughout my day of constant dangers and ever present death around the corner, "WHO THE FUCK CARES!" Wow America, we have truly become a nation of self-absorbed retards. I wish the world was in a state where everytime I stopped to scratch my balls it captured national headlines, but I'm a realist and consiquently think realistically. This world has serious problems and it's time for America to start addressing them.
Now, I like to think I'm a fairly intelligent individual.....is everyone else out there a shallow moron who takes everything for granted? Really, give me some glimmer of hope, some feedback on the common sense of America because I'm slowly but surely losing faith in the "American dream." What does this dream entail in my eyes? you might ask. Well, to tell the truth, I could'nt even begin to ponder that question...not anymore. The dream turned to a nightmare the minute idiosy took hold and put a death grip around the neck of common sense and reality. It's almost to the point where, from a real soldiers standpoint, I wonder on a constant basis what the hell I am fighting for? I mean really, we lose an average of four soldiers daily in some of the most grotesque, and grousome attacks imaginable......something I've seen first-hand on more than one occasion....and this is the best peice of news i get to chew on? Well thank you FOX, CNN, and all the other major media players......I have now lost at least 20 IQ points watching you ramble on about the petty problems of millionares. You can also chalk up about 3,000 brain cells, more than i lost in about five years of drug abuse, to watching your disgusting display of world news.
You don't however do stories on how capitalism effects third world countries, making our products from cheap, child labor, exploiting the rights of millions and run by the monsters of humanity. You don't show the effects of world trade on third world countries. You don't delve into how corporate America makes "contributions" in national elections swaying policy and regulations on world financial issues. You don't keep up on the men who steal working people's pensions and social security at the top of the corporate ladder. You don't cover how the inner city ghettos are made up of mostly minorities who are stuck in a desperate situation surrounded by drugs and murder, a very hard situation to get out of. You don't do stories on how crack cocaine, a drug used mostly by African-Americans, will get you more federal prison time as opposed to the same amount of cocaine (gram for gram), a drug widely used by Caucasions. You don't do stories on how fascism is on the rise in Europe. You do a piss poor job of relaying any peice of any story from iraq without a media "spin." Nor do I see stories about the 15,000 nuclear weapons, ICBM's (city killers) that the United States keeps as a "deterent"......funny that is enough firepower to blow up every major city and kill the world's population seven times over. And I have yet to see a story about the Project for a New American Century, which relies on the military and corporate takeover of the middle-east oil reserves.
Congratulations, you keep the masses ignorant and uninformed. You are truly a system that is a product of social conditions. A sickness on society.....the symptoms being "ignorant American", the diagnosis.................."terminal."
If only he was still alive, i swear. EVERYONE! Should read this dudes Message, because its true..And Rest in Peace Sgt. Ryan M. Wood. And thank you for writing this, Atleast someone finally gets to say.
Look..People are Dying every single, solitary day! People are FIGHTING for your FREEDOM to even watch those DAMN Shows like American Idol, and what ever you all like watching about.
Really, Ignorance is Bliss, but how does foolishness feel?
Sorry for changing the subject yet AGAIN!
But yes. Heres the rest of my day.
Walking down the hallway, Ignoring the Rude stares from teddy when she Waltz by, like if i was Hitler out to kill some Jews with an Easy bake oven. I joked, laughed just had a Fantastic time.
I got bored as HELL in Science class..Couldent sleep, so i decided to put my backpack on the desk and play my DS...well..about 25 minuets into the "Ultimate chocobol game EVER!" MUSIC Starts blairing down the hallways, with people playing instuments, and playing songs like what Rosa's mother used to play whenever rosie was asleep or something.
Stupid black kid (I am not racist, i have ALOT of black and many MANY Different races of friends) Just had to stick his head out, acting like a teacher going "HEY! SHUT THAT MUSIC UP!"
Meh..whatever..After that, we whent to reading, but in my first period class i whent all Flamboyant Uke on Leara saying "SOO YOU ASKED PANDA OUT HMMMMM!!~~ <3">
Reading class..Panda told Rachel and Leara whent all "OMG" And decided to PUNCH Me in the bruse on my back.
Oh my FUCKING GOD! That hurt like FUCK!
well..We had a test. I Aced it cause it was about Romeo and Juilet..dude..i used to read that shit when i was like..10.
ah..When i left to go to my "Latin" class. The music people WERE BACK! They were following us all down the hallway..I was just going "Oh my god" in my head as i was trying to move and weave my way as fast as i could around the ASSHOLES And Ignorant people well trying not to trip over my own feet.
In latin, I just go to school to WASTE AIR Anyway, cause i make myself look like an Idiot on the placement tests so i can be a SUPERSTAR A+ SPED! Ahahaha!
Slept through my Latin class lol.
Drooled allover my desk.
At lunch, i sat with Luigi and panda, we had some cookies, and Derek came up. Dude..DEREK IS A HUGE BALL OF SUNSHINE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Ahahaha!
He calls me a mini me. and i call him a big me. lol
I love the boob thing. He goes "L! You know! if we squish our boobs together! our brain power would be totally one!" I just joined in hugging him to death! hese just so awesome!
I actually am settling shit with people! (Other then Teddy and Miranda, they can leap off a cliff and comitt suicide for all i care)
Like stacey, we actually talked today, and i almost ran down the hall screaming "RAPE SPIDER!" But i wanted to get Staceys DS Back for her..shese really nice, and yeah..i do feel like a Dick for listning to others before i actually got to talk to her myself.
I felt bad her cat became missing..so i stayed out for houres looking for him for her.
But good thing he came back on APRIL FOOLS DAY!
Lol..got to love it
after that, thier was a guy dressed as a box with a hat..He chased me and 5 other people down a hallway lol.
after lunch i whent to math, i usually HATE mr. legaults class..But guess WHAT!? SUBSTITUTE!
But he was a dick, so me and Zach decided to make little paper balls and flick them at him when he was not looking for the whole period.
Walking to my final class. Ian and me joked around, and did this dance lol.
Back in my class, Cate was thier, Yeah..Shese kinda my Girlfriend. So i gave her big hugs, AND I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS AN ACADEMY MEETING GODAMNIT!...Man..i swear..sence we started the academy, i've only been to about 4 meetings in total of the 20 lol.
I got into a aguement with my Fundimentals teacher, cause he was like.
"Hey..You know your grades on the board over thier"
I just leaned up from the monitor and said.
"Cool, thats awesome" *Thumbs up*
He got all pissy that i didnt go see. so he was saying how horrible i grew lol.
I just looked at him and whent
"Sweet, wanna say anything else, im kinda getting bored here"
Martini just looked at me, and the teachers face grew red.
I SWEAR! I thought i was either going to get killed right thier, OR! get a detention.
I got neither! cause i gave him gum!
Well..I joked around with Cate untill mom came to pick me up.
We have this statue called the Thinker, when i look at him, I always think hese a Dude, trying to take THE BIGGEST DUMP!
but..after i got home, I hung out with ben, he showed me a Para para..and he told me about some stuff with Misa and Teddy.
We WALKED...about 2 miles in BOREDOM!
One thing..NEVER DANCE when cars go by.
Me and ben..look like the BIGGEST EMO KIDS!..and we dance the macherena lol.
i swear! I havent laughed so hard in so long!
Then at the end..We just sat down, and watched cartoons.
Like camp Lazlo and Chowder..Oh my god i love chowder! that show is so funny! How they hate Fatness and Obecity being spread to children! AHAHAHAHA! Got to love it!
Well...Just noticed its...Hmm..3:51!
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