Tuesday, April 8, 2008

*duying of laughter*

Well..My chest isint getting any better, but i actually had a good day for ounce!

I've been laughing constantly for no reason lol.

well. I got to see ben today, and these kids thought we were gay cause we were hugging eachother and acting like flamboyant people on purpouse XD

We did the usuall..Walk around...sit somewhere random and talk about whatever the hell is in our brains.

Get online and we kinda had a messed up discussion..and such..
not gona talk about it.

but yeah n.n
Atleast i got to say im sorry to misa.
tho i know she hates my guts and she'd never forgive me.
Oh well..Just gona give her space. Am moving anyway lol so am gona be out of her life for good and that'll make her happy.

OH YEAH! My friend sent me the most hillarious final fantasy video!
Watch it or i kill you with hugs...lol


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